About Reinvent
Reinvent Conference is an annual gathering of change makers and influential leaders in Nigeria who value constant learning and growth
A new dawn is on the horizon…
We believe now more than ever in the importance of reinventing. The COVID pandemic has already disrupted many facets of life and human existence encompassing our work, school, entertainment, religious activities and so much more. While it is too early to determine the long-term impact of this crisis, it is obvious that this crisis has triggered drastic changes in our lifestyles forever.
There is therefore a global quest for the requisite body of knowledge needed to successfully transit and navigate through this change that has come.
Reinvent Conference 2022 aims to help you reinvent your life and purpose in a holistic way. Our speakers include innovative entrepreneurs, business professionals, physical health coaches, prolific preachers, authors and changemakers!
Here are photos from last Reinvent.